Fishing Rodeo Kicks off with a Big Catch

When it comes to
Destin recreation, there seem to be endless options in the area. We are two days into the Destin Fishing Rodeo and there has already been excitement. On opening day, the first shark was caught and it was no baby. A Destin charter boat brought in the beast and it weighed in at 188 lbs, 6 feet long. This naturally brought a crowd to the docks to check out the catch. We are hearing a lot about this rodeo but what is it all about? The Destin Fishing Rodeo takes place the entire month of October. Since 1948, it is the ultimate fishing tournament for saltwater anglers. Weigh-ins take place each day at the docks behind AJ’s Seafood and Oyster Bar. Over 30,000 anglers compete with $100,000 awarded in cash and prizes. There’s something for everyone with even rod and reel prizes for kids that catch fish over 1 lb. On October 5th, there will be a 5K run through Clement Taylor Park on the Choctawhatchee Bay. October 20th will be Kids FallFest with a family event on the Harbor. Among the fun activities will be face painting, arts and crafts, and pumpkin decorating. From
Seagrove Beach to the Destin Harbor, we love seeing people by the water doing what they love. We look forward to seeing more catches throughout the month. There will no doubt be plenty since we live in “The World’s Luckiest Fishing Village”.
Published on Thursday, October 2, 2014