5 Simple Beach Hacks You Need to Know

The beaches of Destin, Florida attract people from all over year-round and that is no surprise to us. The soft white sand and clear blue-green water along with warm, sunny weather is exactly why we live here. And while we just can’t keep great tips to ourselves, we decided to share some beach hacks we’ve tried and love.
1 – Sand gets EVERYWHERE. You don’t have to be a kid to try the baby powder trick. Most beaches have a place to wash off but by the time you get to the car, there is inevitably still unwanted sand trying to hitch a ride. Get some baby powder on those hands and rub all that sand away!
2 – Speaking of sand everywhere, don’t you hate it when people walk past your towel and get sand all over you and you can now build a castle from your lap? Bring a fitted bed sheet and set it upside down with bags or coolers in the corners to stay in place. Then people can walk all around you without kicking sand up in your zone.
3 – You’ll probably have your phone out many times during the day whether for photos or playing music or to actually contact other people. Rather than risk sand in the cracks or dropping it in the water, bring a Ziploc bag to keep it in. You can still use it through the bag and it keeps it nice and safe.
4 –This isn’t exactly a hack but it’s our best advice to visitors: apply sunscreen BEFORE you get down to the beach. We can’t even tell you how many people ruin their vacation by getting sunburnt on their first day. Sunscreen needs to be applied 15 minutes before going in the sun for your skin to absorb. When you walk down to the water, several factors can ruin your chances of that nice tan you’ve been wanting: you spray sunscreen on in the wind and now have giant red spots, you’re sweating and the sunscreen is rolling off, or you have to ask your friend to get your back and end up with zebra stripes. We’ve seen it happen. So go ahead and apply yourself while still in the A/C and make sure you get everything visible and KEEP applying throughout the day.
5 – Disguise your valuables. When your whole crew runs to the water and you’re stuck watching all the gear, you’ll wish you hadn’t brought your purse and that everyone didn’t leave their phones and wallets out in plain sight. So just bring the essentials (money, keys, ID, phone) and keep them all together in something less inviting such as a Pringles can, a cleaned out deodorant case or empty lotion bottle.
These are our tried and true tips and we hope they are helpful for your Destin vacation.
Published on Thursday, August 25, 2016